Tuesday, August 24, 2004

From CBS-11 (TX):
Prescriptions And Profit
There are two recent developments in the continuing battle over the price of prescription drugs: Illinois announced it will help its residents buy drugs from Canada, and Vermont announced it's going to sue the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the right of its citizens to buy drugs in Canada.

It may come as no surprise that the pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable business in the country. American drug prices are the highest in the world, so more than a million Americans now buy their medications in Canada.

From the Modesto (CA) Bee:
Train trip protests Canadian-drug ban
On Monday, retirees Bill and Sonja Clarke, of Placerville, boarded a midnight train to Canada.

They're riding the rails to protest a federal ban on prescription drug imports and to pressure Gov. Schwarzenegger to reconsider his opposition to legislation that would help patients buy medications from Canada.

Their 36-hour journey up the Pacific coast to a Vancouver pharmacy in the waning days of the legislative session is part of a quest by consumer groups and advocates for seniors to win passage for several Canadian drug bills despite a veto threat from the Schwarzenegger administration.

From the (Columbia, SC) State:
Coble offers help getting medicine from Canada
Columbia Mayor Bob Coble is using his personal Web site to direct local consumers to Canadian pharmacies for low-cost prescription drugs, which is against federal drug importation policy.

Coble’s action — which he wants the city to endorse — follows several other cities and states, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Rhode Island, Boston and Washington D.C., which provide Web links to selected Canadian pharmacies.

It marks the first action by an S.C. elected official to introduce Canadian drugs here, local experts say.

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