Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Canada shuns drugs without prescriptions

From Canada.com:
Canadians' upper lips are among the stiffest in the world when it comes to enduring minor health woes, according to a new global study.

Comparing more than 25,000 consumers in 50 markets, researchers found Canadians were twice as likely to say they never take over-the-counter drugs -- 10% versus 5% worldwide -- while fully two-thirds of us (66%) claim to tough out our ailments, waiting to see if they improve naturally before resorting to medication.

Analysts for market research firm Nielsen, which conducted the Global Online Consumer Survey, described us as "minimalists" when it comes to self-medication, reporting that "Canadians seem to have a higher tolerance for ailments than the rest of the world."

The recession has only made us more stalwart. One in four Canadians cite the economy for anticipated changes in drug use, with 26% of that group expecting to use OTC medications less frequently, 13% intending to take less than the recommended dosages, 10% planning to purchase in smaller quantities, and 4% saying they'll cut out non-prescription meds altogether. ...more

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Could the reason be that we Cdns go to the doctor and receive a prescription for every little ailment, instead of buying an over the counter? I think so. Therefore, we could be using more of the expensive medicine, and less of the inexpensive medicine. Study that.
