Monday, August 28, 2006

Oral rotavirus vaccine okayed for infants

There have been a few new product announcements over the last while. One that I don't have a link for yet is for rasagaline, which is a new med to treat Parkinson's. Meanwhile, here's a note about a new vaccine. It seems that some vaccines have been making news. It's nice to see new products coming out that aren't "me too" drugs. After all, do we really need another statin or ARB?

From the Toronto Star:
An oral vaccine that protects babies against a nasty bug that causes fever, vomiting and diarrhea — and sends thousands of kids to hospital each year — will be available this fall in Canada.

Merck Frosst Canada Ltd. announced last week that Health Canada has approved its vaccine RotaTeq, which protects against rotavirus gastroenteritis. Distribution to doctors and pharmacists is expected to begin next month. ...more

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