Monday, January 30, 2006

Shunning Medicare, some seniors still turn to Canada for drugs

From the Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal:
Some Ohio seniors are still getting medicine from Canada instead of signing up for the U.S. government's new prescription drug program.

Tens of thousands of elderly participants nationwide, most of them low-income, have been unable to get medicines since the government drug benefit went into effect Jan. 1. Either their registrations were lost, or they were told they had to pay much more than the plans promised.

Others simply haven't signed up, confused by the varying benefits and payments with the dozens of private plans that operate the benefit that's supposed to help about 42 million older and disabled people. ...more

Maybe there is still some hope for the international pharmacy business. It should be interesting to see if the frustration level with the Medicare system continues to build. Also, after half a year it will be more clear as far as which method saves more money.

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