Sunday, February 25, 2007

For cures to colds, it's buyer beware

Cold fX really scored big points last week when it received new approvals by Health Canada. It sure helped their stock price a lot, but will it really change the opinions of pharmacists who don't recommend it? As the article below mentions, it's still buyer beware.

From the Ottawa Citizen:
When Canadians walk into drugstores, they are greeted with more cold remedies than ever before. But just because the aisles are filled with natural health products and drugs that promise to combat the sniffles doesn't mean we're any healthier, pharmacists say.

While Health Canada gave its official seal of approval to the immune-boosting product COLD-fX yesterday, medical experts say consumers still need to take a cautious, "buyer beware" approach when examining solutions to runny noses and coughs. ...more

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