Monday, March 19, 2007

Pharmacy ordered to stop selling compound

This is a fascinating ethical and practice debate question. How inappropriate is it to fill this prescription? How much latitude should be given when a dying patient makes a very unusual request? While the registrar of the Alberta College of Pharmacists said they would be looking into this case, I have a hard time believing this pharmacist will be seriously punished for his actions. He was trying to do the right thing for his patients, and he has now stopped filling these prescriptions.

From the Edmonton Journal:
An Edmonton pharmacist who previously filled doctor-written prescriptions for dichloroacetate (DCA) said he disagrees with the medical researcher who warned him this week to stop selling the compound to cancer patients.

Ron Marcinkoski, a pharmacist at Market Drugs Medical at 97th Street and 102nd Avenue, said he was doing what he could to help cancer patients when University of Alberta professor Dr. Evangelos Michelakis phoned the pharmacy to say DCA, which shrank tumours in rats but hasn't been tested in humans, could be lethal or cause horrible side-effects. ...more

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