Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Change to GP dispensing opposed

This is more evidence that there are turf wars between pharmacists and physicians throughout the world. The battles involve different topics: pharmacist prescribing in Canada has been covered here before. The article below talks about physician dispensing in the U.K.

From BBC News:
Patients are opposed to any plans to reduce the ability of rural GPs in England to provide drugs directly to their patients, a poll suggests.

There are fears that plans laid out in a government White Paper will threaten the future of GP dispensaries.

The Dispensing Doctors Association surveyed more than 6,000 patients who currently get their drugs this way.

They found 95% would find it difficult or inconvenient if their surgery stopped dispensing.

The Pharmacy White Paper - designed to increase the role chemists play in providing care for patients - includes a number of options to reform the existing rules which govern dispensing by doctors.

Currently, patients who live more than a mile from a chemist can choose to have their medicines dispensed by their GP. ...more

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