Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A new remedy for medicine

From the Ottawa Citizen:
You walk into a drug store to get your prescription renewed. It's a drug you've taken for years and you are seeing medical professionals about its use.

The pharmacist tells you the two-year prescription has expired. You can't get the drugs you need. That's not good.

Getting the prescription renewed means taking time from a general practitioner, or worse, a specialist who is being run off his or her feet by the problems of an aging population. There should be an easier way.

The Health Professions Regulatory Agency Council, an advisory group of seven members of the public who report to the provincial minister, says pharmacists should have the power to write prescriptions for minor health problems without a doctor's permission. And the pharmacy should be allowed to extend prescriptions, order lab tests and adjust drugs, the council said. In theory, this would cut the volume of patients visiting doctors or going to emergency wards. ...more

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