Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pet owners turning to mood altering meds to help their critters cope

From the Canadian Press:
With her pink tongue flapping out the side of her mouth, Winnie bounds across the living room, scoops up a tennis ball and proudly trots it back to her owner.

For the two-year-old mutt, life doesn't get much better than hanging out with Mandy Novak, a master who dishes out cold hot dogs and occasionally offers up her face for a slurp.

It's alone time that has filled Winnie with dread.

Late last year, the collie-Labrador mix, adopted from a shelter in October 2007, cried and paced nervously if she even sensed Novak was getting ready to leave for work.

When left on her own, Winnie marauded through the house gnawing on everything from wooden staircases to drywall.

"We came home and we found that she had eaten through the basement walls," said Novak, who lives in the Montreal suburb of Pincourt.

An animal behaviourist diagnosed Winnie with canine separation anxiety, and like more and more pet owners, Novak has turned to a mood-altering drug to help her dog cope. ...more

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